illegal civilization

founder mikey alfred started the brand at the age of 13 in 2008. a large gang of skaters including nakel smith would skate across north hollywood filming clips for what would be illegal civ's first video

'spark of life'. the brand has released a number of great skate parts since then with the most popular being godspeed (what felt like an hour long movie of endless extremely talented homies and familiar faces just effortlessly destroying spot after spot). a lot of shady business has happened with the brand recently and it looks to set them on a different path to their original intended one. mikey alfred plays the villain.

founder: mikey alfred

founded: 2008

team: ???

past skaters: kevin white, ryder mclaughlin, alex midler, zach saraceno, nakel smith

notable videos: IC1, IC2 and godspeed

1 product